Need help?

We’d Love to Hear From You


521 Richmond Drive, Chatham, IL 62629

Computer Works Family


phone number

+1 217 483 1171


Just some Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work on printers?

Unfortunately, we do not. With the low cost of printers, it’s often more cost efficient to replace than repair.

How about mobile devices?

Mobile devices are not in our wheelhouse.

What brands do you work on?

We work on all brands of PCs and of course we work on all Macs.

Can you help with my home network?

We absolutely can help you with your home network. New builds or existing homes won’t stop us.

Can I make an appointment?

Appointments can absolutely be made, just follow this link to make an appointment.

Can you coach me?

Personal 1-on-1 coachings are available, you can even make an appointment to ensure availability, make an appointment here.

Do you offer recycling service?

Currently, we only offer recycling services to those that replace their machines with us.

Can you build me a machine?

100%, whether you want to dropship some parts to us or have us completely customize your machine, we got you.